Illegal burnings on the Sororó Indigenous Land; impacts on the native forest, caused by fires; constant invasions of the Indigenous Land; illegal logging; illegal hunting and trapping of wild animals for sale; running over of wild animals; prospectors

The Suruí Aikewara are an Indigenous people of the Tupi linguistic group, within the Tupi-Guarani linguistic family.  They inhabit the Sororó Indigenous Land in southeastern Pará along highway BR-153. It is located in parts of the municipalities of Brejo Grande do Araguaia, Marabá, São Domingos do Araguaia and São Geraldo do Araguaia. The Indigenous Land … Continued

Territorial suppression; pollution of the Flexeira River; territorial invasions by hunters, loggers, and extractors; illegal burnings; wild animals deaths caused by being run over, burned or hunted; tensions on the outskirts of the Indigenous Land caused by the presence of farms, highway BR-222 and the Carajás Railway

Economic processes in Pará, intensified by large government intervention projects, have caused immeasurable environmental and sociocultural impacts on Indigenous populations. The case of the Gavião is emblematic. The name Gavião was given to different Timbira groups by travelling missionaries in the early twentieth century. These groups stood out for their warlike characteristics and used hawk … Continued