Breach of the Fundão Dam in Mariana

The Krenak people live on the Krenak Indigenous Land, in the municipality of Resplendor, Minas Gerais on the left bank of the River Doce. They also live in other areas. Since settling this region, they have suffered many violations. These conflicts have been caused by different activities, including the construction of dams, hydroelectric plants, waterways, … Continued

Blocked access to territory of origin on the banks of the São Francisco River

The Xakriabá people of Minas Gerais had part of their territory recognized, in 1987, with the ratification of the Xakriabá Indigenous Land, located mostly in the municipality of São João das Missões and with a small portion in Itacarambi. However, a large part of the territory remained outside the demarcated area. In 2003, the Xakriabá … Continued