Coronavirus and Extermination Policy

Felipe Milanez and Samuel Vida Tragedies are always socially unequal and expose in a striking way historically constructed inequalities, for example in the degree of exposure to risks and the way vulnerabilities are shaped. The new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus is a non-human agent from a zoonosis that infects people and causes respiratory infections; it was not … Continued

Fighting the invisible anaconda amidst a war of conquest: notes of a genocide

The conquest of indigenous territories and epidemic diseases have gone hand in hand throughout the history of Brazil. The current new coronavirus pandemic that is devastating indigenous communities follows this violent strategy of conquest. My argument is that structural racism that has led to the death of more than 200 indigenous people in the first … Continued

The COVID-19 pandemic intensified resource conflicts and indigenous resistance in Brazil

Mary Menton; Felipe Milanez; Jurema Machado de Andrade Souza; Felipe Sotto Maior Cruz Indigenous peoples in Brazil have suffered disproportionately from the COVID-19 pandemic due to limited access to an already precarious public health system together with continued attacks on their cultures, their territories and their way of life. These attacks come as part of the government’s attempts to … Continued