![Kin – The Hope of the World](https://umoutroceu.ufba.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/WhatsApp-Image-2021-05-14-at-11.03.46-768x764.jpeg)
Territories at war are also territories where artists imagine recreating the world and defending memories. Inspired by a poem by Ailton Krenak in Another Sky the academic coordinators of the project organized a committee composed of Indigenous researchers in the project to select 15 artists to be awarded in recognition of their work and trajectories. The commission included: the artist and designer Denilson Baniwa; researcher Cristiane Pankararu; spokespersons for the entity Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples and Organizations of the Northeast, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo (Apoinme), Alexandre Pankararu and Graciela Guarani; the artist and professor in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor in Arts program of the Federal University at Bahia, Paola Barreto; and representation from the Nucleus for Affirmative Actions (Nuade) of the Federal University at Southern and Southeast Pará (Unifesspa). Each artist selected earned a commission to produce a work amid these times of pandemic and conflict. Ten people were selected from the Northeast, two from Minas Gerais and three from southern and southeastern Pará.